Mind and Body: Growing Stronger Together
Mind & Body: Growing Stronger Together
February 5, 2021
By: Terry Shaw
I wanted to start this week’s blog talking about my very favorite part of a yoga class. (Nooo, it's not savasana! lol), and though I do love savasana, it is not what lights my candle. Have you ever considered how we begin the class? The friendly hellos and welcomes and catching up with each other and then we come to our mats sitting in easy pose (lying in savasana, supported fish or kneeling in child’s pose), in silence and allowing our bodies and minds to become peaceful and still. This is the settling in before the physical practice even starts. Letting the earth support our bodies, breathing deeply and finding an awareness of not only our surroundings but what’s truly going on inside of ourselves, how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally. A few moments to actually slow down, find ease, release some tension before we begin our practice. It is said you really can’t get to know yourself until you become silent; this I have come to know as truth.
My time before entering class may be me grabbing all that I need for the day trying to get out of the house on time, driving to the gym or maybe I’m just coming off working at the desk to teach. As I come into the room I adore that the class mostly knows each other and supports each other in class and out of class. How welcoming they are to all who are new also. I love to hear their friendly bantering back and forth - but - there is the time where class has to begin. Starting the class with silent meditation brings us all together for one purpose - to practice yoga as a community. We stop what we are doing together, we breathe together, we settle onto our mats together, we set our intention, gratitude thought or dedication together and then we all move together. The silent meditation links us together so that for one hour we become one with each other and our practice. The unity and community that brings us together (and still separate to find ourselves) is that very first breath we all take when we settle in. There is nothing more beautiful than the acceptance one feels in that very moment.
I wish you all, love light laughter, health and happiness - Namaste,